Managing talent
Acquiring talent
Digital talent
Privacy concerns
81% of respondents said that attracting staff with digital expertise is a priority.
Managing talent
The working world has shifted. Healthcare and life sciences employers face many of the same issues as those in other sectors amid the working revolution, from remote working regimes to vaccine mandates - and pay.
“Wellbeing and flexible working are
already emerging as central strategies
for employee retention.”
Acquiring talent
A hugely competitive area. The battle for talent is heating up as healthcare and life science companies attempt to seize myriad opportunities. Diverse strategies are in play to boost skills, from internal building of capabilities to M&A.
81% of respondents said that they
would be able to unlock opportunities
by acquiring new talent.
Digital talent
The hottest talent battleground. Specialism is making a difference: pharma and biotech companies struggle to attract staff with digital expertise compared to medical device companies.
“Notably using the technologies that were
developed like the mRNA technology.
How quickly the world can move on and
leave you behind if you’re not at pace.”
Privacy concerns
Front of mind for legal teams. How to protect employees’ privacy and maintain productivity amid a shift to hybrid and remote working leads the list of emerging employment law concerns.
of respondents said that employee privacy
is a leading employment law issue.
Emilie Danglades-Perez: protecting employee privacy.